N.I.E. number in Spain - what is it and how to get it in Poland?
If you are planning to buy a property in Spain, you will need to obtain an N.I.E. number beforehand. Find out when it is still useful and what formalities you need to complete to obtain one.
If you are planning to buy a property in Spain, you will need to obtain an N.I.E. number beforehand. Find out when it is still useful and what formalities you need to complete to obtain one.
The N.I.E. number is one of the first things to take care of when planning an extended stay in Spain. With it, you are able to perform various tax operations, such as those related to the purchase and rental of property. You can obtain it both in Poland and abroad - at the embassy or police station. All you need to do is complete the documentation and fill in the application form.
The N.I.E. number is one of the first things to take care of when planning an extended stay in Spain. With it, you are able to perform various tax operations, such as those related to the purchase and rental of property. You can obtain it both in Poland and abroad - at the embassy or police station. All you need to do is complete the documentation and fill in the application form.
What is the N.I.E. number in Spain?
The N.I.E., or Alien Identification Number(in Spanish: Número de Identificación de Extranjero), is the tax identifier of a foreigner. It takes the form of a numerical sequence and is the Spanish equivalent of the Polish NIP or PESEL. According to Real Decreto 338/1990k, every foreigner is obliged to have a so-called white number. The N.I.E. number is granted once for life.
The N.I.E., or Alien Identification Number(in Spanish: Número de Identificación de Extranjero), is the tax identifier of a foreigner. It takes the form of a numerical sequence and is the Spanish equivalent of the Polish NIP or PESEL. According to Real Decreto 338/1990k, every foreigner is obliged to have a so-called white number. The N.I.E. number is granted once for life.
Who needs an N.I.E. number and when?
According to the law, an N.I.E. number can be applied for by a foreigner who plans to stay in Spain for more than 90 days. The authorities also issue it to non-residents for professional, social or economic reasons.
The N.I.E. number is needed for any formal matter in Spain.
Once you have obtained your tax ID, you can:
According to the law, an N.I.E. number can be applied for by a foreigner who plans to stay in Spain for more than 90 days. The authorities also issue it to non-residents for professional, social or economic reasons.
The N.I.E. number is needed for any formal matter in Spain.
Once you have obtained your tax ID, you can:
How do I make a Spanish N.I.E. number in Poland?
You can complete the formalities on Polish territory. The body to go to in such a situation is the Spanish Embassy in Poland. You can get yourN.I.E. number at the Consulate located at 4 Myśliwiecka Street in Warsaw.
How do I get an N.I.E. number in Poland? Go to the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Warsaw. The section is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During your visit, the consul will ask you to justify the reason why you are applying for a tax ID. You can give professional, family or economic reasons. If you are planning to buy a property and already have a reservation contract - take it with you.
Bear in mind that the process of obtaining an N.I.E. number in both Poland and Spain can take several weeks.
You can complete the formalities on Polish territory. The body to go to in such a situation is the Spanish Embassy in Poland. You can get yourN.I.E. number at the Consulate located at 4 Myśliwiecka Street in Warsaw.
How do I get an N.I.E. number in Poland? Go to the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Warsaw. The section is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During your visit, the consul will ask you to justify the reason why you are applying for a tax ID. You can give professional, family or economic reasons. If you are planning to buy a property and already have a reservation contract - take it with you.
Bear in mind that the process of obtaining an N.I.E. number in both Poland and Spain can take several weeks.
You can complete the formalities on Polish territory. The body to go to in such a situation is the Spanish Embassy in Poland. You can get your N.I.E. number at the Consulate located at 4 Myśliwiecka Street in Warsaw.
How do I get an N.I.E. number in Poland? Go to the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Warsaw. The section is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. During your visit, the consul will ask you to justify the reason why you are applying for a tax ID. You can give professional, family or economic reasons. If you are planning to buy a property and already have a reservation contract - take it with you.
Bear in mind that the process of obtaining an N.I.E. number in both Poland and Spain can take several weeks.
How do I make an N.I.E. number in Spain?
How do I make an N.I.E. number in Spain?
If you want to make an N.I.E. number on arrival in Spain, you have three options:
Remember to make an appointment in advance to visit the police station or office (the so-called cita previa). You can do this online by choosing the nearest office. The appointment itself takes a while, but you must be patient. Due to the insufficient number of available appointments, waiting times can be several hours once you arrive.
If you want to make an N.I.E. number on arrival in Spain, you have three options:
Remember to make an appointment in advance to visit the police station or office (the so-called cita previa). You can do this online by choosing the nearest office. The appointment itself takes a while, but you must be patient. Due to the insufficient number of available appointments, waiting times can be several hours once you arrive.
N.I.E. Number - Spain. Embassy as the correct address?
Obtaining a tax ID in Poland requires a visit to the consulate. Is it possible to get an N.I.E. number in Spain in the same way? The embassy is not the right place. You can only do it at the establishments mentioned above: at the post, at the office or at the Directorate General of Police.
Obtaining a tax ID in Poland requires a visit to the consulate. Is it possible to get an N.I.E. number in Spain in the same way? The embassy is not the right place. You can only do it at the establishments mentioned above: at the post, at the office or at the Directorate General of Police.
Documents required to obtain an N.I.E. number
To apply for an N.I.E. number, you need:
The Spanish Embassy in Warsaw is increasingly sending certificates by e-mail. If you are planning to apply for an N.I.E. number in Poland, call the consular department in advance and make sure to enclose a self-addressed envelope with your documents.
The cost of obtaining an N.I.E. number is approximately EUR 10.
To apply for an N.I.E. number, you need:
The Spanish Embassy in Warsaw is increasingly sending certificates by e-mail. If you are planning to apply for an N.I.E. number in Poland, call the consular department in advance and make sure to enclose a self-addressed envelope with your documents.
The cost of obtaining an N.I.E. number is approximately EUR 10.
Application for an N.I.E. number in Spain
And what does this application for an N.I.E. number look like ? Spain has prepared a special form EX-15 for citizens of the European Union. However, it is only available in Spanish and in this version you must deliver it to the consulate, the foreigners' branch or the police station of your choice.
The application is divided into several sections, including the details of the foreign national and the applicant's representative or addresses for notifications. You attach two annexes, in which you specify the documents submitted with the EX-15 form.
And what does this application for an N.I.E. number look like ? Spain has prepared a special form EX-15 for citizens of the European Union. However, it is only available in Spanish and in this version you must deliver it to the consulate, the foreigners' branch or the police station of your choice.
The application is divided into several sections, including the details of the foreign national and the applicant's representative or addresses for notifications. You attach two annexes, in which you specify the documents submitted with the EX-15 form.
Is it possible to have someone else make the N.I.E. number?
You may be wondering whether you have to apply personally for an N.I.E. number. Spain, and more specifically its legal system, has introduced certain facilities in this regard. These include, for example, the possibility of having another person produce a tax ID on your behalf. This can only be done by a proxy on the basis of a notarial authorisation (the so-called poder notarial), which must be attached to the other documents.
The granting of a power of attorney is a unilateral act. This means that the person being authorised does not need to be present at the visit to the notary. In addition, it can be done in both countries. This allows you to decide which place is more convenient for you - Poland or Spain.
TheN.I.E. number issued in the country requires:
If you decide to grant a notarial power of attorney already in Spain, with the help of the experienced experts of Elite World Estates, you can be sure that everything will go quickly and smoothly. Remember that you must provide a Spanish mailing address when you visit the notary.
You may be wondering whether you have to apply personally for an N.I.E. number. Spain, and more specifically its legal system, has introduced certain facilities in this regard. These include, for example, the possibility of having another person produce a tax ID on your behalf. This can only be done by a proxy on the basis of a notarial authorisation (the so-called poder notarial), which must be attached to the other documents.
The granting of a power of attorney is a unilateral act. This means that the person being authorised does not need to be present at the visit to the notary. In addition, it can be done in both countries. This allows you to decide which place is more convenient for you - Poland or Spain.
TheN.I.E. number issued in the country requires:
If you decide to grant a notarial power of attorney already in Spain, with the help of the experienced experts of Elite World Estates, you can be sure that everything will go quickly and smoothly. Remember that you must provide a Spanish mailing address when you visit the notary.
You may be wondering whether you have to apply personally for an N.I.E. number. Spain, and more specifically its legal system, has introduced certain facilities in this regard. These include, for example, the possibility of having another person produce a tax ID on your behalf. This can only be done by a proxy on the basis of a notarial authorisation (the so-called poder notarial), which must be attached to the other documents.
The granting of a power of attorney is a unilateral act. This means that the person being authorised does not need to be present at the visit to the notary. In addition, it can be done in both countries. This allows you to decide which place is more convenient for you - Poland or Spain.
The N.I.E. number issued in the country requires:
If you decide to grant a notarial power of attorney already in Spain, with the help of the experienced experts of Elite World Estates, you can be sure that everything will go quickly and smoothly. Remember that you must provide a Spanish mailing address when you visit the notary.
You may be wondering whether you have to apply personally for an N.I.E. number. Spain, and more specifically its legal system, has introduced certain facilities in this regard. These include, for example, the possibility of having another person produce a tax ID on your behalf. This can only be done by a proxy on the basis of a notarial authorisation (the so-called poder notarial), which must be attached to the other documents.
The granting of a power of attorney is a unilateral act. This means that the person being authorised does not need to be present at the visit to the notary. In addition, it can be done in both countries. This allows you to decide which place is more convenient for you - Poland or Spain.
TheN.I.E. number issued in the country requires:
If you decide to grant a notarial power of attorney already in Spain, with the help of the experienced experts of Elite World Estates, you can be sure that everything will go quickly and smoothly. Remember that you must provide a Spanish mailing address when you visit the notary.
To whom can you have your N.I.E. number issued?
You can only authorise a person of full mental capacity to apply for an N.I.E. number. This is most often:
If necessary , you can revoke the power of attorney at any time.
The N.I.E. number is essential for buying a property in Spain. Fortunately, the process of applying for an N.I.E. is not complicated and can be carried out in both Poland and Spain. Once you have completed the formalities and started looking for a new home in Spain - use the services of Elite World Estates. For more information, visit this website: https://www.eliteworldestates.com/pl-pl/o-nas.
You can only authorise a person of full mental capacity to apply for an N.I.E. number. This is most often:
If necessary , you can revoke the power of attorney at any time.
The N.I.E. number is essential for buying a property in Spain. Fortunately, the process of applying for an N.I.E. is not complicated and can be carried out in both Poland and Spain. Once you have completed the formalities and started looking for a new home in Spain - use the services of Elite World Estates. For more information, visit this website: https://www.eliteworldestates.com/pl-pl/o-nas.
Written by Aleksandra Kobus on 22.12.2024 - 6m reading
Written by Aleksandra Kobus on 22.12.2024 - 6m reading
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